ES projects 2021-2027



      A global problem. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is widespread throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization and the International Diabetes Federation, in 2022, more than 463 million adult (20-79 years) people in the world had diabetes. Due to population aging, obesity and inactive lifestyle, it is predicted that this number will reach 700 million in 2045. Current treatments, such as insulin therapy and oral medications, do not always provide adequate blood glucose control and may have side effects. The development of innovative treatment methods, such as physiotherapeutic means for electromagnetic stimulation of pancreatic cells, may offer new opportunities for effective and safe treatment of diabetes. Considering the growing epidemic of diabetes and the need for innovative solutions for its treatment, the development of such a physiotherapy tool is in line with global health trends aimed at improving treatment results and the quality of life of patients.

      Objective and results of the project. The project aims to create an innovative, non-pharmacological tool that has a positive effect on the treatment of diabetes. The principle of operation of the physiotherapeutic tool is the complex therapeutic effect of electromagnetic field and optical radiation on human pancreatic cells in vivo. The created physiotherapy tool would stimulate the function of pancreatic cells, increase insulin production and improve blood glucose regulation. The long-term goal is to create a physiotherapy tool adapted to the individual needs of patients. This would provide an individual approach to diabetes management optimized for each patient. The result of the project – a new innovative product for the treatment of diabetes with non-pharmacological means would be presented to the market at the global level.


      Project budget. The project corresponds to the R&D priority “Health technologies and biotechnology” to the theme “Advanced applied technologies for personal and public health” and is implemented according to the economic transformation and competitiveness development program progress measure “Create a coherent system for the promotion of innovative activities”. The funding required for product development and market preparation amounts to EUR 612 595.34, of which EUR 472 083.05 is co-financed by the European Union.

      Project implementation. The duration of the project implementation is two years, from 2024 in June until 2026 in June. The project is implemented together with the Partner, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The partner unit that will implement the project is the Institute of Endocrinology of the Medical Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Project R&D activities manager Prof. Dr. Rasa Verkauskienė. Project manager Dr. Stasys Taraila. The project is publicly announced at